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Dr. Manish A. Mamtani



Papers in Peer Reviewed Journals

1.      Mamtani, M.A. and Sengupta, A. (in-press). Anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility analysis of deformed kaolinite: implications for evaluating landslides. International Journal of Earth Sciences. (doi: 10.1007/s00531-008-0336-x).

2.      Nanda, J., Gupta, S., Mamtani, M.A. (in-press). Analysis of deformation fabric in an alkaline complex (Koraput, India): implications for time relationship between emplacement, fabric development and regional tectonics. Journal of Geological Society of India.(in-press).

3.      Praveen, K.R., Prasannakumar, V., Mamtani, M.A. (in-press). Time relationship between regional deformation and fabric development in the Peralimala Pluton, South India – inferences from magnetic fabric. Journal of Geological Society of India.(in-press).

4.      Majumder, S. and Mamtani, M.A. (2009). Fractal analysis of quartz grain boundary sutures in a granite (Malanjkhand, central India) – implications to infer regional tectonics. Journal of Geological Society of India, 73, 309-319.

5.      Majumder, S. and Mamtani, M.A. (2009). Intensity of shape preferred orientation in a granite and its tectonic implications. Current Science, 96, 156-160.

6.      Majumder, S. and Mamtani, M.A. (2009). Magnetic fabric in the Malanjkhand Granite (central India) – implications for regional tectonics and Proterozoic suturing of the Indian shield. Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 172, 310-323.

7.      Tripathy, N.R., Srivastava, H.B. and Mamtani, M.A. (2009). Evaluation of regional strain gradient in mylonitic quartzites from the footwall of the Main Central Thrust Zone (Garhwal Himalaya, India): inferences from finite strain and AMS analyses. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 34, 26-37.

8.      Mamtani, M.A., Mukherji, A. and Chauduri, A.K. (2007). Microstructures in a banded iron formation (Gua mine, India). Geological Magazine, 144, 271-287.

9.      Sen, K and Mamtani, M.A. (2006). Magnetic fabric, shape preferred orientation and regional strain in granitic rocks. Journal of Structural Geology, 28, 1870-1882.

10.  Mamtani, M.A. and Greiling, R.O. (2005). Granite emplacement and its relation with regional deformation in the Aravalli Mountain Belt-inferences from magnetic fabric. Journal of Structural Geology, 27, 2008-2029.

11.  Sen, K., Majumder, S. and Mamtani, M.A. (2005). Degree of magnetic anisotropy as a strain intensity gauge in ferromagnetic granites. Journal of Geological Society, London, 162, 583-586.

12.  Sengupta, D., Ghosh, A. and Mamtani, M.A. (2005). Radioactivity studies along fracture zones in areas around Galudih, East Singhbhum, Jharkhand, India. Applied Radiation and Isotopes, 63, 409-414.

13.  Mukherji, M.A., Chaudhuri, A.K. and Mamtani, M.A. (2004). Regional scale strain variations in Banded Iron Formations of eastern India: results from anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility studies. Journal of Structural Geology, 26, 2175-2189.

14.  Mamtani, M.A. and Arora, B.R. (2005). Anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility-a useful tool for analyses of naturally deformed rocks. Himalayan Geology, 26, 175-186.

15.  Mamtani, M.A., Ghosh, A., Chaudhuri, A.K., and Sengupta, D. (2004). Joint Pattern in Precambrian rocks around Galudih (India): Implications for fold mechanism. Gondwana Research, 7, 579-583.

16.  Mamtani, M.A., Karmakar, B. and Merh S.S. (2002). Evidence of polyphase deformation in gneissic rocks around Devgadh Bariya: implications for evolution of Godhra Granite in the southern Aravalli region (India). Gondwana Research, 5, 401-408.

17.  Mamtani, M.A., Merh, S.S., Karanth, R.V. and Greiling, R.O. (2001) Time relationship between metamorphism and deformation in the Proterozoic rocks of Lunavada region, southern Aravalli mountain belt (India)-A microstructural study. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 19, 195-205.

18.  Bakker, R.J. and Mamtani, M.A. (2000). Fluid inclusions as metamorphic process indicators in the southern Aravalli mountain belt (India). Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 139, 163-179.

19.  Mamtani, M.A., Karanth, R.V., Merh, S.S. and Greiling, R.O. (2000). Tectonic evolution of the southern part of Aravalli Mountain Belt and its environs-possible causes and time constraints. Gondwana Research, 3, 175-187.

20.  Mamtani, M.A., Karanth, R.V. and Greiling, R.O. (1999). Are crenulation cleavage zones mylonites on the microscale? Journal of Structural Geology, 21, 711-718.

21.  Mamtani, M.A. and Karanth, R.V. (1997). Syntectonic growth of porphyroblasts over crenulation cleavages - an example from the Precambrian rocks of the Lunavada Group, Gujarat. Journal of Geological Society of India, 50, 171-178.

22.  Mamtani, M.A. and Karanth, R.V. (1996). Effect of heat on crystal size distribution of quartz. Current Science, 70, 396-399.

23.  Mamtani, M.A. and Karanth, R.V. (1996). Microstructural evidence for the formation of crenulation cleavage in rocks. Current Science, 71, 236-240.

24.  Mamtani, M.A. and Karanth, R.V. (1996). Distinguishing syndeformational and postdeformational porphyroblasts - an alternative criterion. Indian Journal of Geology, 68, 172-177.


Papers in Peer Reviewed Special Publications (Books/Memoirs)

Mamtani, M.A. and Greiling, R.O. (in-press). Serrated quartz grain boundaries, temperature and strain rate: testing fractal techniques in a syntectonic granite. In: Advances in Interpretation of Geological Processes: Refinement of Multi-Scale Data and Integration in Numerical Modelling, Gosso, G., Marotta, A.M. and Spalla, I. (Eds.), Geological Society, London, Special Publication, (in-press).

Mamtani, M.A. (2008). Fractal Analysis, microstructures and deformation processes – potential in the Indian context. Geological Society of India Memoir, 74, 133-146.

Mamtani, M.A. (2003). Equiangular rotation of groups of porphyroblasts: a possible model. In: Milestones in Petrology at the end of the millennium and future perspectives, Ed. Mohan, A. Geological Society of India Memoir, 52, 381-393.

Mamtani, M.A., Greiling, R.O., Karanth, R.V. and Merh, S.S. (1999). Orogenic deformation and its relation with AMS fabric - an example from the southern Aravalli mountain belt, India. In: The Indian subcontinent and Gondwana: a palaeomagnetic and rock magnetic perspective, Eds. Radhakrishna, T. and Piper, J.D. Geological Society of India Memoir, 44, 9-24.



Conference Abstracts

1.      Mamtani, M.A. (submitted). Quartz grain size, paleopiezometry, fractal analysis and strain rate. 90th Session of the Indian Science Congress, Shillong (India), January 2009.

2.      Mamtani, M.A. (2008). Deformation, magnetic fabric and applications. Technical Session on Recent Trends in Earth Sciences, Geological Society of India Golden Jubilee Celebrations 1958-2008 (IISc Bangalore), October 2008., 26-30.

3.      Mamtani, M.A. (2008). Fractal analysis, microstructures and deformation processes – potential in the Indian context. National Symposium on Geodynamics and Evolution of Indian Shiled – Through Time and Space, Centre of Earth Science Studies (CESS, Thiruvananthapuram, India), September 2008, 35.

4.      Mamtani, M.A. (2008). Fabric quantification in the Godhra Granite and the identification of strain intensity variation in the southern Aravalli region (India). Tectonics of the Indian Subcontinent (TOIS), IIT, Powai (Mumbai, India). International Association of Gondwana Research Conference Series No. 5, 93-94.

5.      Majumder, S., Mamtani, M.A. Panigrahi, M.K. (2008). The influence of tectonic activity along the Central Indian Suture (CIS) on fabric development in the Malanjkhand Granite: results from anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility and fractal analyses. Tectonics of the Indian Subcontinent (TOIS), IIT, Powai (Mumbai, India). International Association of Gondwana Research Conference Series No. 5, 134-135.

6.      Mamtani, M.A. and Greiling, R.O. (2007). Fractal analysis of quartz grain boundaries in a syntectonic granite: implications for evaluating temperature/strain-rate during cooling. Deformation Mechanisms, Rheology & Tectonics (DRT) 2007, Milano (Italy), Rendiconti della Societa Geologicà Italiana, 4, Nuova Serie, 144.

7.      Mamtani, M.A. (2007). Strain-rate determination from fractal analysis of quartz grains in deformed granite. Abstract Volume: Collision Zone Geodynamics Workshop (Geocollision-2007), Himalayan Geology, 28 (3), 24-25.

8.      Majumder, S, Mamtani, M.A. and Panigrahi, M.K. (2007). Integrated Field, Microstructural and AMS investigation of the Malanjkhand Granitoid:  Implications for understanding Regional tectonics. Abstract Volume: Collision Zone Geodynamics Workshop (Geocollision-2007), Himalayan Geology, 28 (3), 23-24.

9.      Mamtani, M.A. and Sen, K. (2005). Field, microstructural and magnetic fabric in the Godhra Granite, Aravalli Mountain Belt (India): implications for syndeformational emplacement. International Conference on Precambrian Continental Growth and Tectonism, Jhansi (India), February 2005, 156-158.

10.  Sen, K., Majumder, S. and Mamtani, M.A. (2005). Strain Gradient from magnetic fabric across a gneiss-granite contact in the Southern Aravalli Region, India. International Conference on Precambrian Continental Growth and Tectonism, Jhansi (India), February 2005, 167-169.

11.  Mamtani, M.A. (2003). The southern parts of Aravalli Mountain Belt and Rodinia assembly – is there a connection? Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, Seattle (USA), November 2003, Vol 35, No. 6, 343.

12.  Mamtani, M.A. (2003). Can “Millipede” microstructure be used to determine the flow type in naturally deformed rocks? Deformation Mechnaisms-Rheology-Tectonics (DRT)-2003, St Malo (France), April 2003, 103.

13.  Mamtani, M.A. and Greiling, R.O. (2003). Analyzing deformation fabrics in granitic rocks: an example from southern Aravalli region, India. Abstract Volume, Deformation Mechnaisms-Rheology-Tectonics (DRT)-2003, St Malo (France), April 2003, 104.

14.  Mamtani, M.A. (2003). Kinematic analysis in non-lineated gneisses of southern Aravalli region, India. 90th Session of the Indian Science Congress, Bangalore (India), January 2003. pp. 28-29.

15.  Mamtani, M.A. (2002). The granitic rocks of southern Aravalli region-are they deformed? Geological Society of India Annual Convention and GIS Workshop, Panjab University, Chandigarh (India), October 2002, 13.

16.  Mukherji, A., Chaudhuri, A.K. and Mamtani, M.A. (2002). Anisotropy of Magnetic Susceptibility studies on Banded Iron Formations of Bonai Synclinorium, Eastern India-correlation with structural data. Geological Society of India Annual Convention and GIS Workshop, Panjab University, Chandigarh, October 2002, 25-26.

17.  Mamtani, M.A., Mukherji, A. and Chaudhuri, A.K. (2002). Application of Anisotropy of Magnetic Susceptibility (AMS) studies in structural geology. National Interactive Workshop on Palaeomagnetism and Rock Magnetic research in India, Cochin, January 2002, 11-13.

18.  Sengupta, D., Ghosh, A. and Mamtani, M.A., (2002). Radioactivity and radon studies along fracture zones in areas around Galudih, Singbhum Shear Zone, Jharkhand State, India. Book of Abstracts, “1st Workshop on Natural Radionuclides in Hydrology and Hydrogeology”, Luxembourg, September 2002.

19.  Mamtani, M.A. (2000). Equiangular  rotation  of  groups  of  porphyroblasts:  a  possible  model. National Symposium on Milestones in Petrology & Annual General Meeting of the Geological Society of India, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, 66.

20.  Mamtani, M.A., Karanth, R.V., Greiling, R.O. and Merh, S.S. (1999). Uplift orogenesis - an example from Proterozoic rocks of the Southern Aravalli Mountain Belt, India. “Exhumation of Metamorphic Terranes”, International Conference held at University of Rennes (France), 31 August-2 September 1999, p. 51.

21.  Mamtani, M.A., Greiling, R.O., Karanth, R.V. and Merh, S.S. (1998). Application of AMS studies in understanding the deformational history of the Proterozoic rocks of Southern Aravalli Mountain Belt, India. National Symposium on Late Quaternary Geology and Sea Level Changes & Annual Convention Geological Society of India, Cochin, November  1998, p. 75.

22.  Mamtani, M.A., Karanth, R.V. and Greiling, R.O. (1998). Polyphase deformation in the Lunavada Group of Proterozoic rocks, India - first results from AMS data. Tektonik, Strukturalgeologie und Kristallingeologie (TSK-7) held at University of Freiberg (Germany), Freiberger Forschungsheft, C 471, 140.

23.  Mamtani, M.A., Karanth, R.V., Merh, S.S. and Greiling, R.O. (1998). Regional scale superposed folding in the Precambrian rocks of the southern Aravalli mountain belt, India. Abstract, Tektonik, Strukturalgeologie und Kristallingeologie (TSK-7), held at University of Freiberg (Germany), Freiberger Forschungsheft, C 471, 141-142.

24.  Mamtani, M.A. and Sychanthavong, S.P.H. (1994). Deformational mechanism controlling the folding and shearing of the Lunavada Group of Pre-Cambrian rocks of Gujarat, India. Proceedings of the 81st Session of the Indian Science Congress, Jaipur, January 1994, 13.

25.  Sychanthavong, S.P.H. and Mamtani, M.A. (1993). Polyphase deformations of the Lunavada group of Pre-Cambrian rocks, Panchmahals district, Gujarat. Proceedings IV of the 80th Session of the Indian Science Congress, Goa, January 1993, 84-85.

26.  Mamtani, M.A. and Sychanthavong, S.P.H. (1993). Microstructures and the interpretation of regional tectonics. Geological Society of India Annual Convention, M.S. University of Baroda, October 1993, 11.


Published Notes, Book Reviews and Reports

1.     Mamtani, M.A. (2008). Deformation of Earth Materials – An Introduction to the Rheology of Solid Earth by Shun-Ichiro Karato (Cambridge University Press, UK) – Book Review. Journal of Geological Society of India, 72, 571.

2.     Mamtani, M.A. (2008) Looking beyond publications – need for training manpower. News and Notes, Journal of Geological Society of India, 72, 578.

3.     Mamtani, M.A. (2008). Glossary of Structural Geology and Tectonics by P.S. Saklani (Satish Serial Publishing House, Delhi) – Book Review. Journal of Geological Society of India, 72, 433.

4.     Mamtani, M.A. (2007). European Workshop on Fabric Quantification, 9-13 October 2006 held at Technische Universität München (Germany)-A Report. Journal of Geological Society of India, 69, 870.

5.     Mamtani, M.A., Mukherji, A. and Chaudhuri, A.K. (2003). Crystallographic preferred orientation of Banded Iron Formations from Singhbum Craton (Eastern India). Geesthacht Neurton Facility (GeNF) Experimental Report-2002, 147-148.

6.     Mamtani, M.A. (2003). International Conference on Deformation Mechanisms, Rheology & Tectonics (DRT)-2003, held at St. Malo (France) - A Report. Journal of Geological Society of India, 62, 247-248.

7.     Mamtani, M.A. (2001). Microtectonics (CD-ROM) by C.W. Passchier and R.A.J. Trouw (Springer-Verlag) - Book Review. Journal of Geological Society of India, 58, pp. 469-470.

8.     Mamtani, M.A. (1997). Deformational studies in the Lunavada and Santrampur areas of Gujarat, India. Published Student Project Report, Geoscience and Development, Brazil, 4/5, 41-42.


General Articles in Newsletters

1.      Mamtani, M.A. (2004). AMS laboratory at IIT-Kharagpur – emerging first results. Deep Continental Studies in India-DST Newsletter, 14, 17.

2.      Mamtani, M.A. (2003). Determining the type of flow in naturally deformed rocks using “Millipede” microstructure. GEOS, Journal of the Earth Science Study Circle, IIT Kharagpur, 14, 101-106.

3.      Mamtani, M.A., Mukherji, A. and Chaudhuri, A.K. (2002). Application  of  anisotropy  of  magnetic  susceptibility  studies  in  structural  geology. Deep Continental Studies In India-DST Newsletter, 12, 10-12.

4.      Mamtani, M.A. and Sychanthavong, S.P.H. (1993). Study of stress and strain orientations using IRS data. INTERFACE- NRSA Newsletter, 4, 4-5.


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Department of Geology & Geophysics
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e-mail (3): mamtani.manish@gmail.com
Homepage: http://manishmamtani.tripod.com