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Dr. Manish A. Mamtani

About Me

Present Position: Associate Professor
Department of Geology & Geophysics
Indian Institute of Technology
Kharagpur-721302, West Bengal
Tel: (Off.): +91-3222-283388; (Home): +91-3222-283389/220217
Fax: +91-3222-255303/282700
e-mail: mamtani@gg.iitkgp.ernet.in

Structural Geology
Anisotropy of Magnetic Susceptibility studies of Deformed Rocks


  1. Europe Research Fellowship by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (Germany) to pursue research at the Institute of Petrology & Structural Geology, Charles University, Prague (Czech Republic) from January-February 2007.
  2. Humboldt Research Fellowship by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (Germany) in 2005 to pursue research at the University of Heidelberg (Germany) from July 2006-June 2007.
  3. German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD, Bonn) Short-Term Fellowship in May 2005.
  4. German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD, Bonn) Short-Term Fellowship in May 2002.
  5. K. Naha Award-2002 for Structural Geology by the Geological Society of India (Bangalore) for contribution to the understanding about evolution of southern Aravalli region and related structural geology.
  6. Post-Doctoral Fellowship by Physical Research Laboratory (PRL, Ahmedabad) in July 1999.**
  7. Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR, New Delhi) Research Associateship (CSIR-RA)  in July 1999.**
  8. Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR, New Delhi) Extended Senior Research Fellowship in March 1999.
  9. German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD, Bonn) Long-Term Fellowship to pursue a part of Ph.D. research at the Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg (Germany) in 1997.
  10. Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR, New Delhi) Senior Research Fellowship in 1996.
  11. M.S. University Research Scholarship in 1995.
  12. Fieldwork grant from the William Greenwood Scholarship Fund of the Association of Geoscientists for International Development (AGID), Brazil in 1995 to carry out field studies in southern Aravalli region, India.
  13. Dr. V.N. Kulkarni Memorial Gold Medal for securing 1st rank in M.Sc. (Geology) in 1993.
  14. Shri Dinesh Shantilal Chokshi Memorial Prize for securing 1st rank in M.Sc. (Geology) in 1993.
  15. Shri Dinesh Shantilal Chokshi Memorial Prize for securing 1st rank in B.Sc. (Geology) in 1991.

(** did not join as job was obtained at the Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur)



  1. Life Fellow: Geological Mining and Metallurgical Society of India (since 1994)
  2. Member: International Association of Structural and Tectonic Geologists (since 1995)
  3. Fellow: Geological Society of India (since 1996)
  4. Member: International Association of Gondwana Research (since 1999)
  5. Member: International Geological Correlation Program (IGCP)-440 on Rodinia Assembly and Breakup (since 2002)



Applications of Anisotropy of Magnetic Susceptibility (AMS) in Structural Geology/Tectonic Investigations.

Sponsoring Agency: Department of Science & Technology, New Delhi under the Deep Continental Studies Programme. Held at Magnetic Observatory of Indian Institute of Geomagnetism at Alibag from 10th - 21st March 2003. 




1. Evaluating strain gradients in granites (Geologie-Endogene Dynamik, RWTH Aachen, Germany; 14th May 2007).

2.     Integrating mesoscopic, microstructural, magnetic and fractal dimension data from granites: implications for analysis of deformation fabric and regional strain (Institue of Petrology & Structural Geology, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic; 31st January 2007).

3.     Regional strain gradients in granites-AMS and SPO measurements in the Godhra Granite, India (Ludwig-Maxmilians Universität München, Germany; 19th December 2006).

4.     Analysis of deformation fabric in granites: integrating field, microstructural and magnetic data (Geologicsh-Paläontologisches Institute, Universität Heidelberg, Germany; 30th October 2006).

5.  Analyses of Deformation Fabrics In the Granitoids of the southern parts of Aravalli Mountain Belt, India - Implications For Proterozoic Tectonic Events. Laboratoire des Méchanismes de Transfert en Géologie, Universite Paul-Sabatier, Toulouse, France; 13th June 2005).

6.   Anisotropy of Magnetic Susceptibility (AMS) and Strain: Experiments and Natural Examples (Department of Geology, Banaras Hindu University;   10th December 2004).

7.     Microstructures in the rocks of the Lunavada Group of Precambrian rocks, Aravalli Mountain Belt, India (Geological Society of India, Bangalore, 26th February 1997).




Reviewed research papers for several National and International Journals – Journal of Structural Geology, Tectonophysics, Precambrian Research, International Journal of Earth Sciences (Geologische Rundschau), Gondwana Research, Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, Current Science, Journal of Earth System Science (Indian Academy of Sciences), Journal of Geological Society of India.

Reviewed several earth science project proposals submitted to the Department of Science & Technology, New Delhi.


Visit again after sometime.

Last updated 30 June 2007.

Associate Professor
Department of Geology & Geophysics
Indian Institute of Technology
Kharagpur-721302, West Bengal
Tel: (Off.): +91-3222-283388; (Home): +91-3222-283389
Fax: +91-3222-255303/282700
e-mail (1): mamtani@gg.iitkgp.ernet.in
e-mail (2): mamtani@hotmail.com
e-mail (3): mamtani.manish@gmail.com
Homepage: http://manishmamtani.tripod.com